What is the Shadow again?
Our shadows are the parts of us that we hide repress and deny. We have learnt at some time, probably in our young life, that there are parts of us that are unacceptable or undesirable. As a result we hide them away but they are still part of us. At some point they will pop out and make a mess of things for you. Left unattended your shadows can really set you back.
How can I learn more about the Shadow
There is a wealth of information available if you search the internet for Carl Jung and the Shadow. Cliff Barry created the four quarter model of Shadow Work® and his website can be found here. One of Sue’s teachers, Alisa Starkweather has a great video on her website here. Nicola and John Kurk are our UK based teachers and their website can be found here.
You mention MKP - what is it?
The ManKind Project (MKP) is a progressive men’s organisation striving to be increasingly inclusive and affirming of cultural differences, especially with respect to colour, class, sexual orientation, faith, age, ability, ethnicity, and nationality.
More information can be found here.
I'm interested in training in Shadow Work®, where can I do this?
Currently Nicola and John Kurk are the only UK based trainers in Shadow Work®. Their website can be found here.
What happens in a Shadow Work® weekend?
In a Shadow Work® Weekend we have plenty of time to explain the four quarter model to you and get you thinking about how you see yourself and your life through this lens. We spend time talking in pairs, journalling and using visualisation. We offer each participant the chance to do what we call some carpet, or centre work. Here you work with two facilitators. We start with the question ‘What do you want to have happen here?’ and go from there. This typically involves separating out some parts of you and placing them on the carpet, as a representation of your life. You are offered choice throughout and the way your process evolves is totally unique to you.
I'd love to do a Shadow Work® weekend but I'm not able to travel to Northern Ireland/Ireland. Where else can I do this?
Shadow Work® weekends are available all over the UK, Europe and the US. For more information see here.
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Contact Sue: 07974 727283
[email protected]
Important small print....
Hypnotherapy is effective. Results may vary and success is not guaranteed. Full client commitment is essential and the intention of the client, to make lasting positive change is vital.
Shadow Work is a U.S. registered trademark of Shadow Work Licensing, LLC, and is being used by ShadowGold and its parent company, A Liminal Space as licensed by Shadow Work Licensing, LLC.
Materials copyrighted by Shadow Work are © Shadow Work Licensing, LLC and used by ShadowGold and it's parent company A Liminal Space under a license from Shadow Work Licensing, LLC.
All other material © ShadowGold and A Liminal Space. All rights reserved.